Setting up OpenSolaris Extras Repository for VirtualBox, True-Type Fonts, Flash & JavaFX SDK

I’ve been messing about with OpenSolaris (you’ll know why soon!) and decided to install the OpenSolaris Extras repository so I can grab the latest VirtualBox install from the repository. This repository has the following packages (as of writing) and is recommended if you plan on using VirtualBox:

NAME (PUBLISHER)                              VERSION         STATE      UFIX
SUNWadmj (extra)                              0.5.11-0.111    known      ----
SUNWjsnmp (extra)                             0.5.11-0.111    known      ----
SUNWwbapi (extra)                             0.5.11-0.111    known      ----
SUNWwbcou (extra)                             0.5.11-0.111    known      ----
SUNWwbdev (extra)                             0.5.11-0.111    known      ----
develop/java/javafx-sdk (extra)      known      ----
service/compute/sungridengine (extra)         6.2.2-0.111     known      ----
service/compute/sungridengine/arco (extra)    6.2.2-0.111     known      ----
service/compute/sungridengine/domainmanager (extra) 6.2.2-0.111     known      ----
system/font/truetype/ttf-fonts-core (extra)   1.0-0.111       known      ----
system/iiim/ja/atok (extra)                   17-0.111        known      ----
system/iiim/ja/wnn8 (extra)                   8-0.111         known      ----
virtualbox (extra)                            3.0.8-0.101     known      ----
virtualbox/kernel (extra)                     3.0.8-0.101     known      ----
web/firefox/plugin/flash (extra)     known      ----

So what do you need to get these freebies? (source help)

  • Register if you haven’t already with Sun, otherwise login to your Sun Online Account get your certificates.

  • Download the Key and Certificate files onto your desktop. They are named OpenSolaris_extras.key.pem and OpenSolaris_extras.certificate.pem respectively.

  • Now we need to create a directory in /var/pkg to store the certificates – ensuring they have the correct permissions. Then we’ll add them to the folder.

    pfexec mkdir -m 0755 -p /var/pkg/ssl
    pfexec cp -i ~/Desktop/OpenSolaris_extras.key.pem /var/pkg/ssl
    pfexec cp -i ~/Desktop/OpenSolaris_extras.certificate.pem /var/pkg/ssl

  • Then we add them to our configuration.

        pfexec pkg set-authority \
        -k /var/pkg/ssl/OpenSolaris_extras.key.pem \
        -c /var/pkg/ssl/OpenSolaris_extras.certificate.pem \
        -O extra

  • To test the above worked get a list of the packages in the repository with the command below. Your output should be similar to mine above.

    pkg list -a 'pkg://extra/*'

Now make sure your datetime settings are valid when you do the above, as I found mine was a little out of date and raised a few python exceptions.

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