Booting CentOS 5.3 on ASUS P5WDH Deluxe

As my journey to find the perfect setup for the new Zeus continues, I thought I’d try out CentOS 5.3. One of the many benefits of running on an open-setup, lots of HDDs, lots of room to move around, not much time though 🙁

If you find you get stuck during the installation for CentOS (and subsequently RHEL & Fedora) here’s how to get things to boot.

UPDATE: No need to do what’s below, see the updated post which is simpler and less hassles.

In the BIOS:


  • Suspend Mode [Auto]
  • ACPI 2.0 Support [No]
  • ACPI APIC Support [Disabled]

Then when you boot, press {F4} to get the kernel options, and at the end append:

$ boot: linux irqpoll

This will hopefully boot the installer for you.

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