HelloWorld #3!!!
Well hello there yet again! After much procrastinating I’ve finally made my first initial post on the “official” thushanfernando.com blog! This is technically the third blog and hopefully the one that will stick till I’m old and gray (actually I’m already starting to go gray).
My previous blog is still available at DeveloperFusion’s blog roll, after so long I finally gave up on CommunityServer because of the constant comment spam and the lack of proper updating to address it. Not to mention that the CS blog editor is bj0rked in Firefox and while I do like to code, there are times when having a visual editor helps – especially in blogging!
This site will be my portfolio of work, thoughts and projects I get up to every so often – that I’m trying to document properly. The site runs on Joomla (main site) and Word Press (blog) two super cool and easy to manage/install/use products powered by PHP.